On this podcast we have honest conversations with people from all walks of life. Young people launching, leaders leading, entrepreneurs exploring, activists activating, experts and everyday people join me in exploring how self awareness supports you on your path to authentic success and life filled with purpose and meaning.

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
#49: How are you BEING with what is occurring?
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Inspired by how Emery Bergmann handled her messy roommate, Annmarie and Adam talk about the difference between context and content, and the value in knowing the difference.
If you are committed to success in your life, creating the conditions for you to truly thrive is vital. Where you live and who you live with matters, but HOW you are living together is fundamental to your ability to focus and succeed.
If you want to be able to put your energy on academics, career, relationships, health, and your well-being, you must protect home base. Having a place to go and feel comfortable, at ease and at peace is one key ingredient to a successful and fulfilling life.
On this episode learn why how you are being with those you live with can contribute to calm or conflict.

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
#48: How to avoid roommate drama
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
This week, Emery and I talk about how to be drama free with your roommates. Whether you are sharing your living space with a good friend or a perfect stranger, it can be hard to live with other people. Your living situation can make or break your quality of life, and ability to focus and succeed.
If you don’t have a place to go to feel comfortable and find some peace life can become very stressful. Emery shares her solution for managing a messy roommate and how she stayed sane, even with moldy yogurt hanging around.

Friday Sep 20, 2019
#47: To rush or not to rush, that is the question
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
In this mini-episode, Emery Bergmann and I discuss the pros and cons of Greek life and what she has learned about herself through the process.
Emery shares why she decided to rush despite her fear that Greek life was not for her and what it was like to be rejected by her first choice sorority.
Listen in to hear more about why staying open and curious about the process helped Emery land in just the right community.

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Starting school or perhaps a new job? Finding your people, making friends and building community is a big task and can be scary. In this mini-episode, we revisit Emery Bergmann who shares her tips for overcoming fear and putting your best foot forward on the path to finding your people and creating a community you love in college and beyond. For more on the college transition with Emery, check out episode 3.

Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Do you stress about failing? What do you do when you freak out Tune is as Annmarie and Adam talk about the power of courage, patience and self-awareness in college and beyond.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
#44: Ashwath Narayanan on leadership, failure, and balance
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Ashwath Narayanan is redefining success after recently returning to America to attend George Washington University. Ashwath discusses how necessary failure is to his growth as a young leader, defines what leadership is to him, and shares how self-awareness has had to his mindset. Ashwath chats about his experience so far, and explains how he tries, and sometimes fails, to balance all the opportunities he’s overwhelmed with. Most recently, Ashwath co-founded Culture Co, a creative agency focused on collaborating with impact-driven companies and nonprofits.

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
#43: Embracing confusion, moving through fear, and creating habits
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Tune is as Annmarie and Adam chat about embracing confusion, moving through fear and creating habits for success.

Friday Aug 09, 2019
#42: Exploring life's big questions with rising freshman Ben Laufer
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Have you heard of the podcast Headscratcher? It was started a few months ago by 19 year old Ben Laufer. Perhaps Ben is just like you: a young college student with the perfect resume, a great high school education, and stable upbringing.
However, Ben felt like a cog in a machine and noticed early on that he was making decisions because they seemed like the right thing to do, not because it was necessarily the best thing to do for him. Ben courageously decided to buck the system and took a gap year to look for the answers to the questions we all often ask: who am I, what do I want to do and how do I get there?
Ben talks with Annmarie about why he felt he needed to do this, how he designed his gap year, what he learned about himself, and what he hopes to take with him as he enters his freshman year.

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Annmarie and producer Adam Harris recap what it means to trust the unknown, why it’s important to take healthy risks, and the illusion of being comfortable with a "secure" job.

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
#40: Skye Deitelbaum on graduation, freedom, and travel
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Recent graduate Skye Deitelbaum discusses her decision to travel, putting her sports broadcasting career on pause. Skye shares her relationship to the freedom and the unknown, and how she is continuing to create the best version of herself. Skye also reflects on her college experience, including an unhealthy relationship and how she failed to prioritize self-care.

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
#39: What does it REALLY mean to feel FREE?
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Annmarie and Adam once again talk FREEDOM in school, career, and life. Listen in as Adam shares his next career move, how he figured it out, how it is getting there, and how it FEELS.

Thursday Jul 11, 2019
#38: I've graduated, now what?
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
It’s all about transitions! From freshman year to graduation Brandon shares his college journey and all the ups and downs he encountered along the way.
This week, Annmarie talks with her nephew Brandon Harris shortly after his graduation from the University of Illinois this past June. Although Brandon is devoted to pursuing a career and life he loves and is passionate about, he talks openly about how his fears caused him to ignore what he was drawn to study freshman year and how that has impacted him today. He shares how and why he courageously rejected 3 great job offers in his field of study and what he plans to do next as he becomes a conscious creator of his life.

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
#37: Annmarie & Adam on what it means to be free in college and life
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
This week, Annmarie and producer Adam Harris explore what freedom means throughout your college experience and beyond. Adam discusses the importance of finding and following your own path, starting with involving the element of play.

Thursday Jun 27, 2019
#36: Annmarie & Adam talk embracing discomfort
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Thursday Jun 27, 2019
Amanda Elert inspires Annmarie and producer Adam Harris to discuss what being comfortable with being uncomfortable looks like, how to begin to become aware of your discomfort, and what you do with it. Annmarie also talks about the value of revealing, not concealing, to maximize your energy, and the importance of being authentic and unapologetic in your life.

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
This week, Amanda Elert (@mandamandamanda_show), a University of Wisconsin-Madison junior, talks about the secret to securing summer internships, combining her interest in math/statistics and her passion for sports into a career she loves, and how to find female role models in a male-dominated field. Listen in as Amanda shares the most valuable lesson she has learned so far in college and how she uses that to lean in to her most stressful moments.

Thursday Jun 13, 2019
#34: Annmarie and Adam on reframing your relationship with anxiety
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Annmarie and producer Adam Harris recap Elizabeth Langshur (episode 33), who bravely discussed how she uses her experience with anxiety, depression, and bullying to educate and empower others. Annmarie and Adam start by defining anxiety, its effects, and intensities. Annmarie explains the importance of creating space for your anxiety to move, and using anxiety as an invitation to build self-awareness. Annmarie and Adam also talk about the importance of reframing your relationship with anxiety, including beginning to transparently share those moments you feel anxious and scarred with others. You are strong enough to handle this.

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
After dealing with health issues from the age of 10, Elizabeth shares how she recovered from anxiety, depression and bullying in middle school, and how she is using her experience to inform and educate others. Along the way, she is opening hearts and inspiring and empowering students like herself to be open honest and real. She speaks to how she now considers her middle school “bully” a gift to her passion and purpose to spread the word, reveal not conceal, and normalize mental illness as a means to authentic connection with others. Elizabeth is planning to study psychology in college and would like to focus on therapy on children.

Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Knowing when to say no and how to say no is not an easy skill to learn and sometimes the universe smacks you right between the eyes with a big life lesson just when you don’t expect it. What happens when you ignore your bodies signals to slow down, take care and chill out?
This week, Annmarie and producer Adam Harris talk about how Jazmin Kay learned this big life lesson after her bout with pneumonia and what she is doing now to take care of herself and how you can learn to avoid burnout. Just in time for summer, Annmarie and Adam also chat about the importance of play in opening you to productivity and Annmarie challenges listeners to take some time to recharge and play, like Jazmin did, to be in-flow, at-ease, present and ultimately more productive.

Thursday May 23, 2019
#31: Jazmin Kay on living in the present and trusting yourself
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
Jazmin Kay, an inspiring student activist and soon to be graduate at George Washington University discusses balance, finding joy, and the power of living in the present in such a distracting world. On this episode Jazmin shares how she learned to elevate her productivity after a tough lesson on burnout and bedrest. She talks about why it's important to follow your passions and why knowing when to say no is one of the most powerful things you can do. We also talk about how she uses social media as a tool of empowerment, not a tool you use to compare to others. Lastly, Jazmin tells us about the value of trusting your gut and ultimately yourself, something we can all use a little more of!

Thursday May 16, 2019
#30: Reflecting on self-awareness, passion, and courage (compilation episode)
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
For the last nine months, YOUNIVERSITY has talked with students about self-awareness, finding their passion, and living fearlessly. On today’s episode, we reflect on the themes we have covered across previous episodes, including clips from Olivia Royal (Ep 10), Jazmin Kay (Ep 31), and Emery Bergman (Ep 3) who represent what this podcast is about: supporting and empowering young people to step into the life you love.

Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Annmarie and Adam are back for another recap. Today they discuss their thoughts about last week's episode with Penn sophomore and Chief Product Officer of Generation Z consulting firm JUV Consulting, Shaina Zafar. Annmarie and Adam discuss Shaina’s inspiring mindset and how it allows her to live an empowered and impactful life. Annmarie and Adam also talk about the power beliefs have in shaping your decisions, and what it mean to be a conscious listener, reminding us all to listen with an open mind, and open, curious, and empathetic heart.

Thursday May 02, 2019
#28: Shaina Zafar on empowerment, impact, identity, and mindset
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Today, we chat with Penn sophomore, Shaina Zafar, a first-generation, low-income, minority student studying International Relations. Shaina shows us what it looks like to be a self-starter and create an empowered and impactful life no matter where you come from. She reminds us the important role empathy plays when it comes to connecting and collaborating with others to create real change in the world. And her personal experience is a powerful demonstration on why mindset plays a significant role in creating an empowered and impactful life. Her passion, enthusiasm and wisdom are inspiring. I hope you enjoy listening in this week!

Thursday Apr 25, 2019
#27: Annmarie and Adam on using fear to move closer to your passion
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
This week, producer Adam Harris joins Annmarie for a conversation about last week’s episode with Marco Bacchetta about following your passion and fear of failure. Annmarie and Adam discuss the many roles fear can play, whether it be motivating, inspiring, or paralyzing, and how stepping into fear can open up a world of possibilities. Annmarie and Adam also talk about how every failure is an opportunity to get curious, and chat about the importance of stopping to reflect on success like Marco does.

Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
This week’s guest, Marco Bacchetta, puts a whole new perspective on the study abroad experience. Marco is an Italian student, raised in Switzerland and France and now in his 2nd year studying at the UAL in London.
He shares his journey from a struggling high school student not knowing what he wanted to do, to listening to that inner voice that opened him to his passion for studying film.
Marco talks openly and vulnerably about his fear of failure and how he overcomes it each and every day and how much pressure he puts on himself to succeed and why. Marco offers a piece of advice for you and talks deeply about how he defines success and failure. As we begin to wrap up our interview, Marco shares vulnerably about the overwhelm he feels when he thinks about possibly failing and how his perspective has evolved over the years and opened him to stepping into his fear rather than running from it.

Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
I am most fired up about my conversation with NYT bestselling author Julie Lythcott-Haims. She shares her story of her perceived failures to ultimate success and how she found her passion, and what she learned along the way. Ms. Haims encourages us to listen for and trust our inner voice because we are not here to lead anyone else’s life but our own, reminding us the importance of dreaming our dreams unapologetically.