On this podcast we have honest conversations with people from all walks of life. Young people launching, leaders leading, entrepreneurs exploring, activists activating, experts and everyday people join me in exploring how self awareness supports you on your path to authentic success and life filled with purpose and meaning.

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
#24: What the "bleep" do you do when you aren’t motivated?
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Do you ever just feel completely STUCK? This week, Annmarie hits a wall. On this episode, listen in as she shares what happens to her and how she deals with her lack of motivation and resistance to getting things done, including this week's episode.

Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
If you haven’t yet listened to Episode 20 with Lilia Wilson, you might want to before tuning in today! On this episode, we follow up with Skidmore sophomore, Lilia, a semester later. Lilia reflects on her decision to switch her major and how she now feels about it. We explore how she is increasingly learning to take responsibility for her happiness by making decisions that are best for her while remaining open and curious and trying new things. Lilia also shares how she is embracing her new environment, how her circle of friends continues to evolve, and why she thinks it’s important to seek positivity. Lastly, Lilia recalls how she navigated the dreaded college decision process.

Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Last week, we got to know Nic Chae, a Princeton sophomore with a wildly popular YouTube channel with over 50K subscribers created in large part because of Nic's willingness to be honest and vulnerable. This week we talked with Nic about balance and how he manages his his time and energy, between his passions and what he knows to be practical in his life. We talk about acceptance and rejection. It's March and admissions letters from your colleges are arriving. Nic Chae was there just a short time ago. He share how he dealt with rejection himself and tell us how it felt to be rejected from his dream school Nic also talks about a visit to a school that didn't sit well with him and how he listened to his inner voice on that visit and what did he do to take leadership of his own life. Enjoy part two of this two part interview with Nic Chae.

Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Nothing is going to get in the way of Nic Chae and his success. On this week’s episode, I talk to 19 year old sophomore Nic Chae.
Nic Chae originally planned to pursue his passions and study film and visual arts at Stanford University, his dream school. Much to his surprise, today despite his passions and talent for photography and film, Nic finds himself instead across the country studying economics at Princeton University.
Tune in as Nic shares his struggles between choosing what’s practical and what he is passionate and tells us how he is making that choice and why - and about and how he finds the time to fit it all in what he’s learned about trying to do it all, burn out, his fears of feeling judged and what’s it like to being vulnerable on campus and in life.
To learn more about Annmarie's weekly coaching calls, please e-mail annmarie.youniversity@bringithome.me

Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Thursday Mar 07, 2019
Today, I would like you to meet Lilia Wilson, a sophomore at Skidmore University, her dream school. I spoke to Lilia at the start of her sophomore year. Lilia is a great example of an empowered and courageous leader. For years as she prepared for college she believed she had a clear understanding of what she wanted to study and eventually do with her life however early on first semester of her freshman year she began to realize things were just not working out the way she thought and she decided to switch majors and shift directions.
Listen in and learn how Lilia got the courage and clarity she needed to make this difficult decision and then cultivate the confidence to make the change that felt best for her.

Friday Mar 01, 2019
#19: Annmarie and Adam talk openly about being vulnerable
Friday Mar 01, 2019
Friday Mar 01, 2019
What's up with all this vulnerability talk these days? Tune is as Adam and Annmarie talk about why vulnerability is the key to freedom in relationships, college, and life.

Thursday Feb 21, 2019
Thursday Feb 21, 2019
You are about to meet an incredibly inspiring young woman I spoke with recently: Shannon Flynn. Shannon shared some pretty powerful stuff, starting with how the loss of her father sophomore year shaped who she is today, how she discovered one of her genius qualities, how she learned what authenticity really was, why she decided to delete her IG account and what she has learned from her year long break from social media.
Read more from Shannon Flynn on her blog: beingshannon.org
Follow Youniversity on Instagram: instagram.com/youniversity.u

Thursday Feb 07, 2019
Thursday Feb 07, 2019
On this episode Annmarie teaches podcast editor, Adam Harris what it means to have a full body yes, and how to trust yourself to make good decisions. One way we can reliably trust ourselves to make good decisions -decisions that are most aligned with our well being - is to listen for our full body yes. Listen in to learn more about your full body yes and your no, and how to tell the difference between the two.

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Lola and I talk about how her daughter Olivia made the decision to forgo a full ride scholarship and why. We explore what it means to listen to your gut, how to trust and follow your heart when it might not always “make sense” on paper and being a creator in your life, rather than a victim of your circumstances. Check out the last of the Royal Family interviews as Lola talks about her daughter, who’s pursuing her dreams at all costs. Literally.

Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Thursday Jan 24, 2019
Lola Wright shares her perspective on her son's decision to switch schools mid year, her thoughts on trusting your gut, how to find your passion and how she taught her kids to be financially prudent when taking on student loan debt.

Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
After only 2 weeks at ASU, Trey realizes he is not in the right place. Listen in as he shares his journey to decide to leave after his first semester and why he chose University of Illinois. Trey also shares how he became friends with a roommate who he had nothing in common with by being open, curious and non judgmental.

Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Admittedly Sydney Decaro was afraid to travel abroad her junior year. Despite her reluctance she pushed herself to take the risk and along the way she learned some unexpected and valuable life lessons about stress. On this episode of Youniveristy, listen in as Annmarie and Sydney discuss the cultural differences she discovered on her semester abroad, what she learned about the impact stress has on her success and what she is hoping to bring back with her when she returns to study in the US.

Thursday Nov 29, 2018
#12: Learning balance and time management with Tufts sophomore Sarah Wiener
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
Thursday Nov 29, 2018
We all struggle to find balance and in college it can be even harder to feel in control of your time. Feeling out of control of your time causes decreased energy and increased stress. This week, Tufts Sophomore Sarah Weiner shares her secret to managing her schedule successfully by making sure she is saying yes to doing things that she really loves.
While we have things on our to do list that must be done like homework and attending class, when we commit to using our free time doing the things we are passionate about we refuel our tanks and get more energy.
Pay attention to what you choose to say yes to this week and listen for opportunities to say no.

Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Ever hear yourself saying “I have no choice.” I have to! I’m overwhelmed. There’s no enough time.” College can feel overwhelming and we can feel at the effect of our lives from time to time. When we do, we feel stress, anxiety and disempowered. On this weeks episode learn how to feel more in control of your life and less stressed.
For the more information and to get your copy of the Creator card, email annmarie@bringithome.me.

Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
On this week’s episode of YOUniversity Annmarie interviews Olivia Royal. Olivia shares why she chose to forgo a full ride to Howard to go for her dream school and take on big debt to follow her passion and go to her dream school. Together they talk about predominately white institutions, trusting your gut, believing in yourself, following your dreams, and trusting the money will follow and more.

Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Today we talk about the importance of knowing HOW to think versus what to think with Dr. Joe Krupnick of The Krupnick Approach. This big idea reminds you to master your ability to learn to THINK and open your mind as an important and valuable skill in today’s world. Finally, lets not forget to understand what sets you uniquely apart, not just on your college application but in your life. Are you pursuing your authentic passion? These are all questions I am excited to continue to explore with you this week.

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
#8: Teri Turner reminds parents the power of believing in your kids no matter what.
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Annmarie and Teri talk about parenting, the power of surrender and how to let go and trust your kids to find their own way, even when it goes against your dreams and desires for them. She shares her heartbreak at the realization that Lucy is ready to quit college to pursue her dreams and reminds us how challenging it can be to balance both strength and vulnerability as a parent. And Teri shares her belief that with passion, practice and hard work we are all bound to succeed. Teri pursues her passion very successfully at No Crumbs left https://www.instagram.com/nocrumbsleft/ Check her out. You will fall in love.

Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Lucy Hartman shares vulnerabily about her 2 year struggle at school. After applying early decision and getting into her dream school Lucy quickly relaizes she is only in school to fullfill her moms dream for her to get a college degree. After two years, and at the harsh realization that she was loosing the thing that made her special, unique and alive and beginning to make herself sick and depressed, Lucy musters up the courage to face the truth and her mom. Lucy takes us on the journey and into her life as she describes her path and reminds us all that the path to success is paved differently for everyone and the key to your success lies within you and only you.

Friday Oct 12, 2018
#6: What to do when you feel judged in college and in life?
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
This week, Annmarie tackles judgment, fear, stress and personal growth in college. Life does not have to be stressful on campus! We learned on last weeks podcast with Robert how his fear of being judged could’ve caused him to miss a huge life opportunity. What does your fear of being judged hold you back from doing? Listen in for the difference between rational and irrational fears and how they drive behaviors. And learn four steps, starting with self awareness, that help you shift from fear to self empowerment.

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Mindset, Self-awareness, Courage, Vulnerabilty. These are all the hallmarks of great leaders. How is your life giving you opportunities to build these important life skills? Today I talk with my son Robert Hannah. We discuss how he naviagted his fear in the airport in South Africa as he is about to miss his one and only flight out and what he learned about himself and his fear of being judged by others. We learn how powerful midset is and when you change your mind, you change your outcome. Robert talks intimately about what it means to be self aware and his thoughts on creating a happy life no matter how young or old you are.

Friday Sep 28, 2018
#4: Catch the drift! What to do when you are lonely or sad in college.
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Today, Annmarie helps you identify your strategies for avoiding your uncomfortable feelings that often come up in college like loneliness, sadness, fear and anxiety. Are you aware of how you distract yourself? Annmarie offers a quick 4 step inquiry to help you identify your drift moves and shift to a more empowered way of being with your difficult emotions. Don't miss this episode!

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018

Friday Sep 28, 2018
#2: A Taste of College Life.
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Listen in and meet some of the students Annmarie speaks to this semester. Tidbits from Mathew a Yale freshman discussing the trick of balancing college life and a long distance relationship, and Olivia an NYU junior talks about not worrying about what others think, to Lilia a sophomore at Skidmore sharing what it was like that first day, Lucy shares the importance in finding your people and Annmarie chats with her son Robert a University of Colorado Boulder freshman about all he learned on his gap year abroad.

Thursday Sep 06, 2018
#1: Welcome to University
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
The Youniversity podcast offers refreshingly honest conversations with students who share their stories, struggles, and successes, and educational experts provide valuable information on all things college. Join Annmarie Chereso for a conversation about what to expect each week on the Youniversity podcast.